Week 8 in Pre-K 1
Hello Families, The weeks are going quickly! It's hard to believe that October is just about over. A new month means our Pretend Center,...
Week 8 in 3's
WOW! I was NOT expecting the weather we had this morning! Even though it was too wet to play outside this week, we still had a lot of...
T-Shirt Design Winner!
Thank you to everyone who voted in our T-Shirt design contest. The winner is a friend from Pre-K 2. Congratulations to all the artists...
Week 8 in Pre-K 2
Hello Pre K Families, The children could feel fall in the air this week! They waited all month to tell me and their friends what they...
Week 8 in Mixed Age
Hello All, We had a wonderful few days of school thia week. The kids have been working hard at getting their jackets on the Jack and Jill...
Week 8 in Enrichment
Hi everyone! We had a great week, this week! The children are working hard on getting their own coats and backpacks on and off. They've...