Getting Settled in the 3's!
Hi everyone! We had a wonderful first full two days in school! The children are doing really well playing together, and adjusting to fun...
The First Day is the 3's!
Good afternoon everyone! If you haven't heard all about the first day of school from your little one, we're here to fill you in with an...
Almost to the End in the 3's!
Good afternoon Three’s families, This will be our last weekly email of the 2021-2022 school year. Mrs. Renoni and I would like to thank...
May Moments in the 3's
Time is flying by in the Three's Class! This week we had some very special critters come to visit our classroom: CATERPILLARS! We will...
More May Memories in the 3's!
Good afternoon Three's Families! It was wonderful having a chance to chat with you all yesterday. We are so proud of your child's...
May is Here in the 3's!
Happy May Three’s Families! We were very busy this week making special gifts for Moms (or other special grown ups), playing during...