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A Fun Week in Enrichment!

Good evening everyone!

It was so wonderful to have a room full of kids again! As things with this virus change, so do the rules and regulations. It's keeping us on our toes, that's for sure!

Believe it or not- VALENTINE'S DAY is coming! A few things I want to touch on early to avoid any confusion in the upcoming weeks.

1. The kids are welcome to bring in Valentine's cards to share with their classmates. PLEASE NO CANDY! Also, because of the time it takes to hand out cards, please only fill out the FROM portion of the card. (Have you ever tried to watch a 4/5 year old try to decipher their own writing... other 4/5 year olds writing... look through 14 bags to find the right one... during center time? It's not pretty. Lol!) We have 15 children TOTAL in our class.

2. We will be making Valentine's bags in school, so no need to send in boxes or anything for Valentine collection.

3. The children can feel free to wear festive colors on Monday the 14th!

If you have any questions I can help clarify, please let me know!

This week we read The Mitten by Jan Brett, who is becoming a favorite author of the class! They used the observation skills that they learned from the last Jan Brett book to make predictions about what would happen next in the story!

What was NEW in CENTERS this week?

Writing table- The children used white board markers to trace and color in shapes, letters and numbers.

Art table- We colored in the animals from our book and glued them into a mitten.

Easel- We used clear contact paper cut into the shape of a mitten, tissue paper, and cotton balls to decorate our own mittens, which are now hanging in our windows!

Math table- Using tweezers, the children rolled a dice to find out how many pom poms to put in our snowman bottles!

Discovery- Hidden inside Theraputty were pieces of a snowman. The children used their strong finger and hand muscles to pull the putty apart to help put our snowmen back together.

These things in addition to the Veterinarian's office, the playdough table, the library, and block area made for fun, imaginative times!

We hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend!


Christina Renoni and Brenda Daday


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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