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A Fun Week in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

We had a very nice week and enjoyed the wonderful warm weather!

Here is what went on in the centers this week…

Dramatic Play- The bakery is still a busy place! A lot of cookies, cupcakes and birthday cakes are being made. There is a waiting list every day to work at the bakery!

Sensory Table- This month, the table is filled with dried peas, numerous containers, spoon, trays. *added this week were gold coins to find.

Art Easel-This week at the art easel, the children painted kites for our bulletin board.

Discovery Table- Jumping frogs.

Art Table- This week at the art table the made K- Kites, Key rubbings and kangaroos.

**This week we started our new unit in the reading Street curriculum. The next 4 books will be about transportation. We learned that there are 3 forms of transportation, land, water and air. The children did a great job classifying different modes of transportation I gave them, and put them in the appropriate category! ( car, train, skateboard, boat, plane, hot air balloon). Try this with them , they loved it!

This week Reading Street book was – Seals on the Bus by Lenny Hort


"The seals on the bus go "errp, errp, errp" All through the town."

Two children and their parents board a city bus on their way to a party. At the next stop, who should get on but a group of seals, who holler "errp, errp, errp" at the top of their lungs. Each time the bus stops a new kind of animal joins the passengers and adds to the din, to the children's delight and the parents' annoyance. But when several hissing skunks want to come aboard, even the children cry "help! help! help!"

This funny version of the children's song "The Wheels on the Bus" had the children errping and roaring and honking along.

K- Song “Brick by Brick”

The letter of the week next week is A

Show and tell on Tuesday for A.

Robin Pascal


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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