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A New School Year in Enrichment!

Hi everyone!

Everyone had a fantastic first few days at school! I hope they all came home full of stories! But if they didn't, we send out an email at the end of their week, just in case. The email will not only tell you about the week we just had, but upcoming information you need to be aware of too.

What about this week!?!?

Our book on Wednesday was Pete the Kitty's First Day of Preschool by Kimberly & James Dean. The children loved seeing a familiar character, and finding that he was going through some of the same things that they were! Our book today was This is A School by John Schu and Veronica Miller Jamison. A great book about how a school is a community, and how we learn, grow, make mistakes, and have fun together.

What we did in CENTERS... We had a lot of the same centers that you all saw on Orientation day. Predictability was important for their comfort.

Art- The children colored First day of School and Kind to the Core coloring pages. Some of them also made a special project that went home with them on Wednesday. 😉

Easel- Easel paper and stamps

Math Table- Sorting vehicles into different colored bowls

Pretend Center- Babies, blankets, bottles, brushes, etc.

Block Area- Wooden blocks to make buildings, roads, and all sorts of creations with wooden people. We also had dinosaurs and letterbots.

Writing Table- Maze and apple tree coloring pages

Sensory Table- Corn with big and small cups, big and small tubes, and measuring cups for some fun scooping, building, and dumping!

Playdough table- Playdough, playdough scissors, and rollers

Discovery table- Magnetic dress up

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out! We'll respond ASAP. If something needs to be addressed during the school day please email Mrs. Lay or call the school directly because, as I'm sure you can appreciate, we need to have our eyes on your children.

We hope you all have a great weekend! We're excited to welcome you all back on Monday! Warmly, Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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