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A Short but Fun Week in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families!

It was a short week in Pre-K but we still had a lot of fun! We have been practicing our song for the Friendship Feast (We Give Thanks by Lindsay Mueller) and I am so impressed! If you have some time this weekend maybe look up the song on YouTube and see if your child can show you the sign language they have learned. Tuesday November 19th in Pajama Day (our last school wide Spirit Day) if your child wants to participate. As a reminder we will still be going outside so NO slippers and make sure they wear pajamas that are easy for them to take on/off in the bathrooms. Please continue to send in your weekly Reading Log to help our "car" continue on the road. There are still a few more days left to send in items for our Thanksgiving Box located outside the classroom door. Thank you to those who have already donated items! Our next Letter Of The Week is O. Here is a look at our centers...


  • Art: The children made Corn using either Legos as stamps or cheerios, paper towel tree stamps and a variety of Thanksgiving color pages 

  • Discovery: Animal Shape Puzzles and Shape Felt Board (which the kids really enjoyed so I put a new felt board story out for next week) 

  • Math: Magnetic Numbers, Shapes and Letters 

  • Writing: Worksheets related to C, cutting sheets and dry erase boards 


-Over In The Meadow (Reading Street) 

-Five Minute Peace 

-Williams Winter Nap (book on cd)

-Pete The Cat (book on cd) 


As a reminder PLEASE make sure your child has a coat, hat and mittens everyday as the weather is getting colder! I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see you Monday morning! 

Mrs. Deighan 



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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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