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A Short but Fun Week in 5 Pre-K!

Hello All,


Please help!! Our red car is moving for Literacy Month but would move even further around the racetrack if more of the class was reading stories and working on their Reading Logs.


Our Reading Street book this week was another book from our Transportation Unit. Our story was My Truck Is Stuck! by Kevin Lewis. We talked about what happened in the beginning, middle and at the end of the story.


Our Reading Street song was Country Road. Our vocabulary words were dump truck, road, tug, tow truck, stuck and load.


We also read Thanks Giving Is For Giving Thanks by Margaret Sutherland and The Night Before Thanksgiving by Natasha Wing.


It was our second week learning about Letter C. Our song was Can You Sit on the Cot?  We continued talking about how making C strokes will help us to draw circles and make other letters too.  These letters are O, Q, G & S. The children were very excited to meet the Magic C Bunny.  We practiced making the letter C in the air and sang along to the Magic C Song with the bunny. 


Math Table: Sorting transportation do they travel? By land, sea or air.


Art Easel:  Transportation stamps & markers Then we ended week painting watercolor turkeys.


Discovery Table: Building a habitat for birds


Project Table: Coffee Filter Turkey-The children turned a clothes pin into the turkey's face.  Then they colored on a coffee filter with markers. Next, they sprayed the filter with water & there was much excitement watching what happened. The following day they clipped the clothes pin to the filter.

Comb Painting-this was very popular! The children used all different combs to paint with. The really liked seeing the lines the combs made on their paper as well as how the colors looked as they got mixed together.


Listening Center: Run, Turkey, Run! by Diane Mayr 


Writing Table: C Worksheets, C Books, colored sand to make letters/words in, as well as white paper, scissors and writing utensils. 


Looking ahead:


Tuesday-Throw Your Feet Up Tuesday is our last Spirit Day for Literacy Month! Come to school in your pajamas or comfy clothes.

Wednesday-Show & Tell for Letter O.


Have a great weekend!



Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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