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A Short but Fun Week in Mixed Age!

Good evening, everyone!

I hope that you have all had a great week. This week the mixed age class had our final visit from Sensei Michael and participated in tie-dye Thursday. It was a really fun week! Next week we will be focusing on the letter G and will be having pajama day at school on Tuesday the 19th.  This week we continued to talk about the seasons and upcoming holiday. Here is a look at what we did in centers throughout the week


At the art center we made "pumpkin pies" out of paper plates, construction paper "filling" and cotton balls for whipped cream. We also made turkey suncatchers that are now hanging in the classroom windows in replacement of our September apples!


The writing table included practicing the letter F, name writing, and turkey coloring pages on paper and chalk boards.


The discovery center included turkey colanders, where the children were able to count and place turkey feathers into the holes in order to create their own unique turkeys.


The math table included small people counters and wooden logs for building, sorting, and counting. This was loved by all!


The art easel included watercolor painting cornucopias!


We are continuing to practice our song "Albuquerque Turkey" and have added our props that the kids have made, as well as some dance moves! 


This week the books we read in class were :


                        Duck on a Bike

                        Duck on a Tractor 


It was a short week here at Jack and Jill, but a pleasant one. The kids enjoyed the classroom's festive activities and adored the Duck stories by David Shannon. Next week is sure to be equally as fun and filled with play, investigation, and learning. I hope that you all have an amazing weekend, and we will see you all again on Monday!



Mrs. Mackenzie and Mrs. Haynes 


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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