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Adventures in April in Mixed Age

Hello Mixed Age Families, This was a fast but good week in our classroom. Th kids enjoyed being with each other and loved the new centers in the class. They were busy and loved playing outside each day. Todays picture day went very smoothly and they all adjusted well to the different routine. Here is what we did this week at the centers: Math Table~ Numbered rainbows and white beans to use for counters. Discovery Table~ On Monday the kids made rainclouds using a cup of water with shaving cream on the top and then used food coloring to make the rain, they enjoyed watching the "rain" fall through the "clouds" into the water. Yesterday and today they used their favorite activity.......Magnatiles and plastic animals. Easel~ Painting with monster trucks, they loved driving the trucks on the paper. Today we just had paper and an assortment of markers to use. Art/Writing Table~ Marble Painting umbrellas. Today we had free art out at the table using markers and crayons. Listening Center~ The Chimpansneeze By Aaron Zenz Pretend Center~ The pretend center has turned into a classroom and the kids have enjoyed pretending to be teachers. They have enjoyed doing calendar, writing on the wipe board, using the flashcards, and most of all using the pointer that I use for calendar each day! Books: If you Give a Pig a Pancake By Laura Numeroff Where is Curious George/ A Look and Find Book By Margaret & H. A. Rey Music: Bear Hunt Animal Action Silly Bear Hunt Listen & Move I like to Move it Move it The letter of the week next week is U. Please bring in 1 item on Monday to share with the class. Have a wonderful weekend!! Regards, Julie Haynes


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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