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Adventures in April in Pre-K 1

Hi Everyone,

We had a great week in our classroom. Picture Day on Wednesday went great. We were the first group to go and everyone did great. We read Picture Perfect? by Fletcher Walker Elementary Students outside as the children had their pictures taken.

We listened to our Reading Street Book this week. It was Cassie's Word Quilt by Faith Ringgold. "Join Cassie, as she takes readers on a tour of her home, neighborhood and school, introducing dozens of new words and their meanings. Young readers will relish the beautifully designed spreads, each with its own quilt motif." The children enjoyed looking for the words in the illustrations on each page as we listened to the book. Our Reading Street Song was I Live In The City. Our vocabulary words were apartment, closet bedroom, quilt, classmates and picnic. And speaking of classmates and was so beautiful that we had a picnic outside for lunch!

We also read The Fuzzytail Friends Great Egg Hunt by Katharine Ross and Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss. If you heard I read a "dangerous book" it was Fox in Socks. There is a warning in the beginning of the book because it is full of rhyming tongue-twisters. One of the children asked me today if we could read the "dangerous book" again. The children had fun repeating some of the tongue twisters back to me as I read it.

Our Letter of the Week was X. Our song was Xavier Fox Lives in a Box.

Other activities included:

The pizza shop continues to be very busy...the phone is being answered, orders are being taken and delicious food is being prepared!

Listening Center: Llama Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney

Project Table: X is for X Ray Project....the children traced their hand and arm then glued the bones (q-tips) to their x-ray. Everyone did a wonderful job holding their hand still and tracing it!

X is for Xylophone...the children glued pieces to make an X and turned it into a Xylophone. They worked hard to use the hole puncher on the pieces of the xylophone. Some children punched lots of holes! They were having fun (and building hand strength and finger control).

Word, the children were able to create a word quilt of their own. They used different colors and textures of paper to make a quilt. On the pieces of their quilt, they drew pictures of favorite things and people that are important to them. It was nice to sit and hear what they were drawing as they worked.

Discovery Table: Sound Matching Game

Math Table: Clothespin Counting Activity

Sensory Table: Beans, animals, cups and spoons

Art Easel: Water color painting & April Showers stickers & markers were used to decorate these.

Looking ahead, our Letter of the Week will be Y.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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