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Almost to the End in the 3's!

Good afternoon Three’s families,

This will be our last weekly email of the 2021-2022 school year. Mrs. Renoni and I would like to thank you for trusting us with your little ones this past year. We are so proud of the progress they’ve made. They are smart, creative and kind children. We are confident that they will go on to do amazing things. Thank you all for being so supportive, we couldn’t do it without you!

Looking to next week…

Thursday 6/2: early drop-off available starting at 8:10, regular school hours 9:00-11:30

Friday 6/3: Family Teddy Bear Picnic 9:15-11:00

Please remember to bring a snack and drink for your child and blanket to sit on. Please plan to take your trash with you when you leave. Siblings and stuffed animals are invited. NO EARLY DROP-OFF!

Read Aloud Story: Favorite Barefoot Books

Music & Movement: class favorites

Here’s what’s happening in centers:

Block Area- wood blocks, potato heads, magnatiles, wooden people, monster trucks, castle, ponies

Pretend Center- planting flowers and selling fruits and veggies at the farmer’s market

Discovery Table- caterpillars and magnifying glasses

Sensory Table- flower building set with little blue beads for scooping and pouring

Art Table- painting sea shells

Easel- ocean coloring pages and stickers

Math Table- water bead sensory bins

Writing Table- ocean puzzles

Playdough- playdough with flower cutters and spring gems

Lastly, today we celebrated all the summer birthdays and a couple birthdays that happened before our friends came to Jack & Jill. Lots of birthday crowns, singing and Oreos for everyone!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Can’t wait to see your kiddos on Thursday.


Brenda Daday and Christina Renoni


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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