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April Adventures in Pre-K 2!

Hello Pre K Families,

We had another great week in Pre-K! Mrs. T came in on Wednesday to sing with the children, this is always a fun time!

Here is what went on in the centers this week…

Dramatic Play- This was the last week for the flower shop.

Art Easel- Painting flowers.

Discovery Table- 5 Senses classifications.

Art Table- This week at the art table we made X-Rays and Xylophones. We also painted butterflies. The children folded a paper in half, that I had traced a butterfly on. They then painted the half, opened it up and pressed it on the other side to create a mirror image. We talked about butterflies’ wings being the same on both sides!

Our Reading Street book this week was- DIG!

Mr. Rally and his faithful dog, Lightning, have a busy day ahead of them, but they don't mind. What could be more fun than using a big yellow backhoe to build a pool at the school and a drain for the rain? Follow Mr. Rally through his day as he travels around town, counting from one to five in an irresistible refrain. Marc Rosenthal's colorful, nostalgic illustrations add a bold dimension to the lively text by the husband-and-wife team of Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha. Dig on, Mr. Rally! Dig on, Lightning!

X Song-Xavier Fox Lives in a Box

Next Letter of the week – Y, show and tell Tuesday for letter Y.


Miss Pascal

Mrs. Taylor


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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