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April Arrives in Pre-K 2!

Hello Pre K Families,

We had a wonderful week and some extra time outside; one rainy day gave us indoor recess.

You may have heard about our countdown paper chain that we hung up in our classroom. Each day, at the end of the day, we will take off a link symbolizing a day closer to the end of Pre-K. Please feel free to look inside and see it, you will be amazed to see how this year is flying by! We plan on enjoying every remaining day!!

Here is what went on in the centers this week…

Dramatic Play- The dramatic play center is a flower shop.

Easel- The children were given a cupcake liner and were asked to imagine it as the center of a flower , they had to create the rest.

Discovery Table- We discovered the parts to a flower and examined them using magnifying glasses. There was a paper to color and label the parts.

Sensory Table- Sand, funnels, cups and treasures.

Art Table-N is for Nest and N is for Ninja turtle and N-Night Sky


Our Reading Street book this week was- Subway.

We talked all about riding the subway. This was the last book in our transportation unit. We learned what a turnstile is. The children were asked if they could take a class trip to ride the subway!

N- Song, “On a November Night, Night Night!”

Mrs. Lehane came in on Monday to read to the children. She read “Hair Love”.

We also read – Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. The children all shared something that has made them have a bad day. A lot of sharing and feelings!

Letter of the week next week is W. Show and tell is on Tuesday for letter W.

Mrs. Taylor

Ms. Pascal


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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