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April Fun in Pre-K 2

Hello Pre K Families,

You may have heard about our countdown paper chain that we hung up in our classroom. Each day, at the end of the day, we will take off a link symbolizing a day closer to the end of Pre-K.

We still have 1 more unit in our reading street curriculum. The last unit is all about building; with 5 stories including the one we read this week.

Here is what went on in the centers this week…

Dramatic Play- The flower shop is still is busy place!

Art Easel- Wet chalk drawings.

Discovery Table- This week at the discovery table the children learned amount the life cycle of a butterfly. They had a chance to make a butterfly, leaf with eggs, caterpillar and chrysalis. They mounted each item on a paper plate to form a circle ( cycle).

Sensory Table- Sand

Art Table- This week at the art table the children made watermelon slices.

Our Reading Street book this week was- “The House in the Meadow” by Shutta Crum

“Over in the meadow there's a spring wedding, with the couple's 10 best friends to celebrate. What's next? A house! 9 diggers, 8 masons, 7 carpenters, 6 well diggers, etc. show up with all their trucks and tools to build a new house”.

Letter of the week next week is X, show and tell on Tuesday. I told the children that they can bring in anything with the letter X in the word. It is a tricky letter!

Have a safe and wonderful vacation week!

Miss Pascal


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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