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Celebrating Valentine's Day in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

We certainly fit a whole lot into our week!

On Monday, we attended the Valentine's Dance in Fellowship Hall with the other classes.

On Tuesday, we celebrated Valentine's Day in our classroom. Everyone had a turn to show off their mailbox. We sat in a circle and each child took a turn delivering their cards to friends. We had fun dancing in our classroom and even did the limbo again which was a big hit the previous day at our dance. We also had a special dessert after lunch.

On Thursday, Mrs. T came in to visit. We sang along to the book If You'll Be My Valentine, met Gus the Groundhog, guessed animal shadows and pretended to be different animals hibernating.

On Friday, Mrs. G came to visit. We listened to the story Cowboy Joe and helped with his cowboy call of "yeehaw". We also learned a song that included fun with the children's stuffed animals.

Other activities included:

Math Table: Mini Muffin Match Up Game-identifying the color and number of muffins rolled on the dice. Then using a scooper pick up the corresponding muffins and put them in the pan.

Discovery Table: Scent Sort Match Up Kit

Sensory Table: Arctic animals, snow (paper shred), ice and blocks to build habitats

Art Easel: Watercolors

Project Table: Heart sunglasses to decorate, free art with ribbons and stickers and K is for key. The children were able to decorate a key and make a keychain by threading beads onto a pipe cleaner.

We read Happy Valentine's Day Little Critter by Mercer Meyer and The Koala Who Could by Rachel Bright. We took a break from our Reading Street curriculum due to our special activities and visitors.

I hope you all have a wonderful February vacation. I will see you on Monday, February 27th.


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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