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Closing Out May in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Parents!

I can't believe we are down to our last 3 days! I want to THANK YOU all for allowing myself and Mrs.Derbyshire to be a part of your child's journey through pre-school. It has been a GREAT year! They all have grown so much. We had a lot of fun this week celebrating all of the summer birthdays in our class. We continue to practice for Graduation which is scheduled for Wednesday June 5th at Capron Park. Please drop your child off to us at 6:20.

We will be holding a GREEN 4 day Pre-K 2 sign.

Here is a look at our centers ....

-At the Art table the kids had the opportunity to make Q-tip bumble bees. They really enjoyed this activity! We also had a bunch of bees and flower coloring pages at the easel.

-At the Math table we had bumble bee counting sheets.

-At the Discovery table the kids got the opportunity to check out the life cycle of bees and then they had to figure out the order for themselves and glue them in the correct spots. 

-At the Writing table we had letter tracing and bee cutting sheets. 


Yoga Animals In The Forest 


The Very Hungry Caterpillar 

I hope everyone has a great weekend and we will see you Monday morning!

Mrs. Deighan & Mrs.Derbyshire 


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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