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Closing Out May in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hello all,                                  

It is hard to believe the year is almost over!  We have been fitting a lot of fun in each day! We continue to practice our graduation songs and rehearse what will happen during the big night!  

Our Reading Street book this week was Night Shift Daddy by Eileen Spinelli. "In a lovely rhythmic text, a little girl describes her routine with her father as evening comes." Our song was Good Night, Good Night.


We read How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids by Tom Rath and Mary Reckmeyer. We have talked throughout the year about taking care of others as well as ourselves. I thought it would be a good reminder of how important it is to be kind with our words & actions. We talked at length about things that fill our buckets as well as things that empty them.                                              

We read Chicka Chicka 1 2 3 by Bill Martin Jr. We continue to review letters and numbers. We even played Number Bingo this week which was a big hit! The children were so excited about this that they asked me if I could put it at the Puzzles & Games Center for Center Time. It was so nice to watch as they took turns being the "caller" of the numbers and cheering for the winner of each round of Bingo. They are all doing a wonderful job of identifying numbers 1-20!

Other activities included:

Listening Center: The bunnies were back! Tippy-Tippy-Tippy, Splash! by Candace Flemming

Project Table: Wood spring picks-the children could pick a type of flower or butterfly to paint. 

Symmetrical butterflies were also created. We talked about what symmetry meant and they were able to see it on the butterfly they created by painting one side with all different colors and then folding the other side on top.  There was excitement as they unfolded the wings and saw what had happened. 

Art Easel: Crayons and white paper for free art

Sensory Table: Kinetic sand with shovels, pails, molds and construction vehicles

Pretend Center: The kitchen continues to be very busy. The children have been lining chairs up to make a van and they are traveling to all different locations. I love to hear the ideas they come up with.

Math Table: Ladybug math...there were numbered containers that the children would fill with the corresponding amount of ladybugs.

Discovery Table: Magnetic pieces and balls...the children were really noticing the attractive forces between the pieces.

Writing Table: Drawing book and worksheets were available.

You may have heard....for next week's Show & Tell each person will be able to show our class a talent they have. We talked about this during the week. I explained what a talent was and we talked about some examples such as singing, karate, gymnastics, dance, cheerleading, a skill from a sport, magic trick, joke....anything they want! This will take place on Tuesday!

I hope you have a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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