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December Excitement in Mixed Age!

Hello Mixed Ages Families,

We had another great week in Mixed Age! We had a visit from Mr. G who read the poem A Visit From St. Nicholas by Clement C. Moore. Next week is our last week of school for 2022! We have 2 fun school wide holiday sweater days next week on Wednesday and Friday. These are optional, feel free to participate in one, both or none. J

Here is what we had at each of the centers:

Math Table~ numbered trees with pom-poms. The trees were number 1-5 and the children placed the correct number of yellow pom-poms on each tree.

Discovery Table~ the children explored with fizzy candy cane and dissolving peppermints.

Easel~ Q-Tip painting to create a string of lights.

Art/Writing Table~ as always free art supplies were out for the week. We also worked on a surprise project. The children also enjoyed using pipe cleaners and assorted beads to make different creations.

Puzzles and Games Table~ we used Mat Man. Mat Man is a floor person designed by the company, Handwriting Without Tears, to help teach children about their bodies- body placement and function. In addition, Mat Man helps the children learn skills like counting, sequencing, identifying shapes, object placement, taking turns and working together as a group.

Pretend Center~ we continued to enjoy the school in dramatic play. The children enjoyed packing up backpacks and practicing zipping and unzipping them.

Sensory Table~ Magna tiles, jingle bells and magnet wands. This was a very popular spot to be at this week.


The Floor is Lava Holiday Song

Holiday Freeze Dance


The Leaf Thief

Green is for Christmas

Click, Clack Ho! Ho! Ho!

Vegetables in Holiday Underwear

Have a wonderful weekend!

Warm Regards,

Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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