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December Fun in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hello All,

 I am hoping many of our friends are feeling better. We have been working as a class, on handwashing, keeping hands out of our mouths and noses and using a tissue. 

 Our Reading Street book this week was Subway by Anastasia Suen.  "A rush of air, a car is there, hop, hop, hop on the subway.  Come along for the ride as a little girl and her mother hop on the subway.  From spinning turnstiles and musicians performing on the platform to people hopping off and on and lights flashing past in the tunnels, the sights and sounds of the subway have an energy all of their own."  

Our song was Let's Travel in the City.  Our vocabulary words were subway, hurry, stair, cars, ride and stop.  

We also read The Kindness Quilt by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace and ABC Hanukkah Hunt by Tilda Bailsley. 

Other activities in our classroom this week were:

Discovery:  That Smell Game...we talked about our sense of smell. The children were able to match each container to the picture of what they thought it smelled like.

Math: Shape Puzzles

Project Table:  Q is for Queen...the children worked hard gluing, coloring and decorating their queen with jewels. 

We also are working on a kindness quilt...the children have been drawing pictures of ways to be kind.

There was also different types of paper to cut and make into a quilt. We talked about the textures of the different papers. 

Art Easel:  Painting with Q-tips...many beautiful gingerbread houses were made.

Sensory Table:  Fairy, fairies, animals, rocks & jewels are amongst coffee beans and paper straw.

Our Block Area was very busy! Lots of building going on.

Our Pretend Center has changed to a Post Office. There is stationary, cards, envelopes, stickers and writing utensils. The children were very busy making mail to bring home and making deliveries to their friend's mailboxes. Our Super Duper Helper has become our classroom mail carrier. Emptying the mailbox each day and delivering the mail to the children's mailboxes. 

Listening Center: Click, Clack, Ho! Ho! Ho! by Doreen Cronin. 

Mrs. T came in on Friday. We sang songs about different celebrations that take place this time of year, counted, listened to a story and even played jingle bells!  

Looking ahead our Letter of the Week will be G. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.  


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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