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Exploring Autumn in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hi Everyone,


Important reminder: Book Grams are for sale! If you did not purchase one at the Fall Festival, please stop by the middle room at drop-off next week and pick out a book for your child. The cost is $5. You can write a special message & the book will be delivered to your child in our classroom in November. Thank you!


Our Reading Street Book was Wynken, Blynken & Nod by Eugene Field. "Wynken, Blynken & Nod takes children on a magical journey into the night sky where three fishermen sail in a wooden shoe, capturing the stars in nets of silver and gold and laughing with the moon. And when the nighttime adventure comes to an end, the wooden shoe brings the fishermen home to the real world of a child fast asleep."  Our Reading Street song was Come and Pretend With Me.  Our vocabulary words were dew, fishermen, river, fish, nets and waves.


Our Letter of the Week was I.  Our song was Wriggly, Wiggly Izzy Fish.


We read Room On The Broom by Julia Donaldson.


Other activities included:  


Listening Center: Who Goes There? by Karma Wilson


Math Table: Measuring objects with cubes. We talked about the math concepts longer vs. shorter. 


Art Easel: Just a tree was provided, the children could decorate however they liked. We have been talking a lot about Fall changes and one child tried to make their tree look like the big tree near our playground. We have been making observations of this tree and all the changes that have happened since we started school in September.


Project Table: I is for Inchworm-lacing beads onto a pipe cleaner to create an inchworm. Spider Webs-punching holes, lacing yarn or ribbon, painting and adding spiders. Many webs went home! 


Discovery Table:  Shadow matching-the children matched the correct object to the shadow displayed on the card. We also joined the other Pre-K class this week to do two experiments. A balloon that self-inflated by adding baking soda to the balloon, attaching it to a water bottle that contained vinegar What appeared? A Ghost!  We also were able to check out pumpkin volcanoes!


Writing Table: All different writing utensils, papers and even stamps this week.


Our Community Helper yesterday was Officer Ware from the Attleboro Police Department. She spoke to the children about her job as a Police Officer and what she has to wear on her uniform. She brought the children outside where her police cruiser was parked on our playground. We saw the blue lights, heard sirens, got to sit in the back and even learned what is kept in the trunk of the police car. MANY children came in to school today telling me they are going to be a Police Officer when they grow up! 


The children have been having so much fun at recess.  We have been lucky to have had such beautiful weather this week. They have been busy playing tag, riding bikes, playing duck, duck goose and raking leaves/jumping into their piles.    


Looking ahead to next week, our letter will be U.


Have a great weekend!




Mrs. Kelley


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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