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Exploring Autumn in Mixed Age!

Good afternoon Mixed Age families!

This week the mixed age class had a blast, between Sensei Michael visiting, Officer Rachel's visit, and painting pumpkins!

The weather was beautiful to boot, I hope that you all got to enjoy it! This week in our centers we included:


The Art Table: here the class not only decorated their own unique pumpkins to bring home, but also created paper plate spiders! The process for creating the spiders included the use of cut up paper towel rolls ( the ends were split to look like spider legs ), black paint, googlie eyes, and paper legs that were glued on after the paint was dry. The kids loved making these and they are currently decorating the classroom walls!


The art easel included additional water color painting of Halloween themed printed sheets. I can not stress enough how much everyone continues to love this style of painting.


The math table was closed for assessments this week and will be next week as well for at least the beginning portion of the week. I am hoping to be finished by Wednesday and will add something to the math table then!


The writing table consisted of free writing/ drawing and letter C coloring sheets which included pictures of things that begin with the letter C. 


The discovery center included spider stacking, where the children were able to count and stack spiders as they placed them onto straws held up by black playdough.


This week the discovery center was transformed into an ice cream shop! This was a huge hit this week; everyone loved pretending to be either selling or eating ice cream. Mrs. Haynes and I definitely had our fill of many unique and delicious flavors! 


This week we danced to many songs during music and movement time, and everyone loved this weeks inclusion of a special Halloween freeze dance song! It was really fun to watch everyone shake like a skeleton, fly like a witch, and dance in their own special ways.


The books this week that we read included:


                        There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat

                        There Was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Ghost

                        "C" Is For Clown- Dr Seuss 

                        Room on the Broom


This week was full of fun and learning, and I am looking forward to spending the rest of the year with all of you. Next week we will be carving our own large pumpkin in class, and everyone will be able to take part in the activity. I hope to include the children in removing the "guts" with either their hands or utensils, unless you prefer that your child not take part in this process. If this is the case, please let us know! As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend, and we will see you again next week!



Mrs. Mackenzie and Mrs. Haynes 


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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