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February Fun in 4 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families!

I hope everyone has had a great week so far! We finally got to see some SUN-Hooray! It was another busy week in Pre-K 2. We had a visit from Mrs. G and her ukulele on Thursday which the kids always enjoy. We also got to do a fun science experiment involving colored water, birthday candles and a mason jar. We were talking about pressure and what would happen to the candle when the mason jar was put on top of the lighted candle. It was really awesome to see their faces when the reaction happened! It was also great to hear their ideas on why different things occurred during the experiment.

Here is a look at our other centers:

Math Center involved counting Bugs! Our letter of the week was "B" so I tried to stick to this idea throughout the week at the math table. They had to count and sort bugs based on a variety of things.

Dramatic Play was transformed into a Flower Studio! The class put together a bunch of different bouquets. We even put out the cash register so they could practice counting and paying for their flowers.

The Discovery Table was Match A Sound with Placement Cards. This involved a variety of objects that they had to match up.

The Art Table was all "B" related! They got to make School Buses and Beehives. We used bubble wrap to make the design on the beehives and then their thumb prints for the bees. They all came out super cute! The kids also have been working really hard on their Valentine's Day gifts to bring home for the people they love!

The books we read this week were: The Seals On The Bus, Groundhog's Runaway Shadow, 10 Rubber Ducks and The Feelings Monster.


-Wednesday is Valentine's Day- if your child wishes to bring in Valentine cards to pass out, we have 18 students! Please NO candy! Tattoos, pencils or stickers are other great options! We also have our Valentine's Day Dance during the day and the kids are welcome to dress up in their fanciest if they wish

Our next Letter Of The Week is R

Thursday the 15th is Pajama Day in our class due to the number of kindness stickers they have earned! They are also allowed to bring in 1 special stuffed animal that day if they wish to participate!

I hope you all have a great weekend and I will see you guys Monday morning!

Mrs. Deighan & Mrs. Derbyshire


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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