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Feeling Thankful in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

There is lots of important information in this email so please take the time to read to the end.

The students have been working hard and having lots of fun at school, check out the attached photos to see the kids in action. This month we are talking about friends and Thanksgiving. Feel free to send in your child's Thankful Tree Leaf (sent home on Monday) to add to our classroom bulletin board. We had our monthly visit from our music teacher, Mrs. G. She brought in a drum and read us a story called the Leopard's Drum. The children enjoyed taking turns playing the drum. Thanks for visiting Mrs. G!

DECEMBER SHOW AND TELL: We have been exploring rhyming words at school. Please have your child bring in two items or pictures of items that RHYME. Show and Tell will be WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7th.


Weekly Story: "Turkey Trouble" by Wendi Silvano. A turkey is worried about Thanksgiving Day. He wanders around the farm getting ideas for different costumes he could wear to hide from the farmer. Ask your child if they remember any of Turkey's costumes.

Rhyme: We have been working on our Thank You song that the children will be performing at our upcoming Friendship Feast.

Seeds of STEM Focus: This morning we read a book called "Panda's Problem." Panda was hanging out in a bamboo forest where lots of workers were cutting bamboo and placing it inside boxes to be shipped to people around the world. Uh oh! Panda was hiding in one of the boxes! I wonder where Panda is now?

This week during SMALL GROUPS, we:

* Practiced writing the letter E with our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.

* Practiced re-telling the story "Turkey Trouble" by sequencing events in the story.

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- Make a turkey costume, wet chalk painting at the easel, props for our Thank You Song

Blocks- wooden blocks, dollhouse cubes, Paw Patrol toys, ponies and little people

Dramatic Play- Birthday Party, with cake, cupcakes, birthday plates, birthday hats, baby dolls and presents

Writing/Library- Books about Thanksgiving and friendship, Thank You books to color

Playdough: purple, cupcake wrappers, candles, gems and beads for decorating

Math- matching quantity to numeral at the light box

Science- use toothpicks, cranberries and marshmallows to create a place for the turkey to hide

Sensory Table- sand, shovels, buckets and trucks

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing your little ones on Monday, November 14th!


Brenda Daday


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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