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Getting Settled in Enrichment

Good afternoon!

I hope everyone is able to enjoy this beautiful weather today! What a dramatic difference from yesterday! The children did a wonderful job listening and going with the flow as things were the dark! Thank goodness for cell phone flashlights, right!? I want to thank you all for responding to the early dismissal yesterday. I know Mrs. Lay has sent/ will be sending out an email about the importance of joining (or rejoining) Remind. But I wanted to put the link here too, just in case you missed it. Luckily, we don't need to use it very often, but when we do it's good to know you'll be getting important information ASAP.

BIRTHDAYS!!- Since we have a few birthdays coming up I wanted to reach out to you all together. We love being able to celebrate your little ones birthdays with them! They're getting to the age where they're starting to understand what it's all about, and that's exciting for everyone! We make a crown and sing happy birthday (if they want that) to everyone on or around their special day. Even the children who have birthdays over the summer get a celebration toward the end of the school year! If you choose to send in a birthday treat, the handbook states that the approved treats can be Lofthouse cookies, pre-packaged plain rice crispy treats, Oreos, or fruit. For the health and safety of all the children, let us know ahead of time what you'll be bringing in. This allows us to contact the necessary families about additional food being offered to the children. You don't have to send in a treat. If you choose not to send a treat, but want to send in something else, tattoos, stickers, or stamps are good options. Please, no goodie bags full of things, or individually addressed items. Also, If you choose to not send in anything, that's okay too! Being a parent is hard, and sometimes just getting your kid to school in the morning takes all the energy you've got. No need to add on anything else.

NEXT WEEK- We'll be focusing on FAMILIES next week. I'd like to invite you to send in a picture of your family (whatever that means to your child) with them when they come to school. We'll be hanging them up on our "Enrichment 4's Family Tree" in the classroom.

THIS WEEK- Our book this week was I Like Me! by Nancy Carlson. It was about a pig who talked about the different things she liked about herself! Even when she makes mistakes, she tries and tries again. We also read The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds, to celebrate International Dot Day tomorrow. It is a story about Vashti, who doesn't think she can draw. Her teacher knows she can, and asks her to make a dot on the page, then asks her to sign it. Things take off from there and Vashti learns that inspiration comes from even the smallest things. If you'd like to look further into Dot Day, there are events happening tomorrow, and fun projects to do here...

What's NEW in CENTERS...

Art- I Like Me! coloring pages and I Like Me projects. The children told us something they like about themselves, then drew a picture of it. I also took a picture and will be attaching it to the same page.

Easel- Blank faces. There was paper with the outline of a head, shoulders, and eye stickers next to a mirror for the children to draw facial characteristics.

Playdough- Each child has their own cup of playdough that they're responsible for on the table. The color will change each month, usually depending on what the children vote for. With the playdough were rollers, shaped dough extruders, and cutters.

Pretend center- We added babies and baby clothes to the pretend center. The kids had lots of fun dressing, feeding, and taking care of the babies, along with the food a kitchen things that were there before.

In addition to these things, we always have the blocks, library, and writing table available and fully stocked!

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and weekend!


Christina Renoni and Ashlee Taylor


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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