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Hello December in Mixed Age

Hello Mixed Age Families,

This week has been action packed, it was so nice meeting with you all on Monday and we so appreciate you sharing your children with us each day. Everyone has enjoyed the new centers so far this month, always exciting to have new activities in the classroom to explore and play with. The art table has been super busy as well as the easel. On Wednesday the class filled up our Star Jar so we had Animal Crackers for our special treat; this was something they have been to have when the jar was full. Great job, everyone!

Special guest reader: Mrs. Selinger came in and read the book Elmo's Little Dreidel and talked about Hanukkah with the class, she also gave everyone their own Dreidel game to take home. Thank you! Happy Hanukkah!

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Dreidel Game to celebrate Hanukkah

Discovery Table~ Mixture of Holiday items including ornaments, dreidel, Menorah along with magnifying glasses to get a closer look to the items.

Easel~ Painting with potato mashers using blue and yellow paint. Today they used holiday stampers and paper

Pretend Center~ The "Donut Shop" is now opened. The kids have been busy making donuts and coffee for their friends and teachers.

Art/Writing Table~ Decorating Gingerbread people with assorted items (they are now hanging up on the bulletin board). They also painted paper plate wreaths and decorated them when they were dry. There were coloring sheets of Menorah's as well as donut pictures.

Sensory Table~Magna-tiles, magnet wands, jingle bells, shredded paper and assorted Holiday objects to sort through.

Playdough~ peppermint scented playdough along with cookie cutters and tools.

Activity Board~ Papertowel tubes with magnets attached to make chute and pompoms, they arranged the tubes to have the pompoms go through and land in the cups.


The Gingerbread Man

The Gingerbread Baby By Jan Brett

The Gingerbread Cowboy By Janet Squires


Silly Bear Hunt Bear Hunt

Wiggling Dance Animal Action

Wiggle your Fingers

Freeze Dance

The letter of the week next week is I, please bring in one item on Monday morning into the classroom. We look forward to see what everyone has for the show and tell.:)

Have a wonderful weekend!


Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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