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Jumping Through January in Mixed Age!

Hello Mixed Age Families,

Good afternoon and I hope this email finds you all cozy at home. The kids enjoyed playing in the snow today, just a reminder we do try to get out to play every day so make sure your child has hats and mittens for our recess time.

A few upcoming things to do:

~~If you have not registered your child for next school year our pre-k classes are filling fast and we only have a few openings left. At the time of our open house on Saturday January 28 it will be opened to the public so make your choices soon.

~~ On Tuesday February 14 we will be having our Valentine's Day celebration, we ask that each child decorate a shoebox, tissue box or cereal box with a picture of themselves on the box. They can decorate it however they want to but make sure there is a opening for their friends to deliver their cards. We ask that you don't send in any food or candy for your child to pass out. Thank you and we look forward to seeing all of the decorated boxes and having a fun day!

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Shape snowmen, There was a square, rectangle, triangle and circle snowman to put together.

Discovery Table~ We had the light table out this week along with magna cubes and arctic animals. The kids liked using the cubes on the light table.

Art/Writing Table~ We finished up our snow globes this week as well as painted with the bottom of bottles to make snowflakes on to black paper. There was also plain paper and winter coloring sheets and dot painting pictures out for them to do.

Easel~ Cotton ball painting on to blue paper and today they had white circle stickers to stick on the paper instead.

Pretend Center: We have switched out the pretend center to babies and kitchen stuff and the kids have been loving it. We have also put a washer and dryer and they have been very busy doing all of their "chores". They all love the babies!


Little Owl/s Snow

Grumpy Monkey Party time

10 Little Rubber Ducks


Freeze Dance

Baby Beluga

Down by the Bay

Banana Phone


Mr. G came in and read There was an Old Lady who Swallowed the ABC's while we ate snack.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Warm Regards,

Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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