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Lots of Learning in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families,

What a busy week we have had! We fit SO MUCH into the four days we were at school this week.

On Wednesday, we were very lucky to have a visit with Mrs. T. For those of you unfamiliar with Mrs. T, she has been a monthly visitor to Jack and Jill for years. She provides wonderful stories and songs and is always a hit with the children! We had a lot of fun singing and dancing along with her.

On Thursday, Mrs. Andrews was our Community Helper. Mrs. Andrews is a nurse. She told us all about her job and the children were able to use a stethoscope to listen to their hearts. They also were able to use the blood pressure cuff. They were excited to make the cuff tighter by squeezing the bulb. She showed us different size bandages and a special blue tape they use at the hospital. Many children asked to be bandaged up by her...lots of arms were taken care of.

This week our Reading Street Book was Homes A to Z by Judy Nayer. This book was about all different houses people live in all around the world. We talked about what our houses look like and which homes in the book we would like to live in. I told the children to keep their eyes open when they are in the car to look for tall apartment buildings, older style homes, new modern homes, houses with stone, farms log cabins and motor homes. Our Reading Street song was I Live In A Castle. Our vocabulary words were castle, carpets, cave, farm, jungle and row.

Our Letter Sound Song was Way Up High.

Our Centers this week:

Writing Table: H Worksheets, H Letter Hunt, paper, scissors and writing tools

Discovery Table: Recycling Challenge...sorting items into recycling barrels (plastic, aluminum, cardboard, glass, cardboard and paper)

Math Table: Geoboards

Art Easel: We continued with the Apple Dot Art. Then did Lego Painting. The children pressed the lego block into the paint and then decorated their fall trees by pressing it on their paper.

Art Table: Fall Wreath-leaves, tissue paper, pom poms, jewels and ric rac were all available to use to create a wreath

Sensory Table: Corn and beans with farm, animals, bowls, spoons and scoopers

Looking ahead our Letter of the Week next week will be T. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.


Mrs. Kelley


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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