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Love is in the Air in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hi Everyone,


We certainly fit a whole lot into our week. The children enjoyed playing in the snow. Shoveling, sledding, snow angels, sliding through snow and even an Ice Shop at the Farm Stand.


On Thursday night, we had the Valentine's Dance in Fellowship Hall.  It was nice to come together with students and families. Our class certainly brought their moves with them! We also celebrated Valentine's Day in our classroom. Everyone had a turn to show off their mailbox. We sat in a circle and each child took a turn delivering their cards to friends. We had a special dessert at the end of the day too!


On Friday, Mrs. T came in to visit. We sang along to the book If You'll Be My Valentine, met Gus the Groundhog, guessed animal shadows and pretended to be different animals hibernating.


Also, today we were lucky enough to have Emma's sister Addy, a Graduate of Jack and Jill, return to read to us. She read Froggy's First Kiss. The children were very excited and asked if she could come back another time and read another Froggy book to them.


Other activities included:


Math Table: Tweezer Tong Color Sorting Activity


Discovery Table: Rainbow Rocks with design cards


Sensory Table: Arctic animals, snow (paper shred), ice and blocks to build habitats


Art Easel: We started the week with a Rainbow Fish craft. The children were able to paint their fish using celery. I loved when one child went to get the book from our library after painting and showed me a yellow and green fish from the story that he had painted at the Easel.

We ended the week with watercolor markers and Valentine coloring pages.


Project Table: Love You To Pieces craft...the children cut tissue paper and glued it onto the heart.

We made bracelets by threading beads onto pipe cleaners.

Painting sun catchers.

Red Doily hearts, jewels, pom poms, pipe cleaners and eyes were available for free art. 


Writing Table: Stamps, scissor, construction paper and markers


Pretend Center: Grocery Store


Blocks: This area is so busy! Many great things are being built with magna tiles. Buildings, rocket ships, trucks, trains, garages-so wonderful to see what the children come up with. Also, we added battery operated tea lights which they loved putting inside their creations.


We read Happy Valentine's Day Little Critter by Mercer Meyer and listened to The Littlest Valentine & Berenstain Bear's Funny Valentine. 


We took a break from our Reading Street curriculum due to our special activities and visitors.


Enjoy the rest of your Valentine's Day! I hope you all have a wonderful February vacation. I will see you on Monday, February 24th.



Mrs. Kelley


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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