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Love is in the Air in Mixed Age!

Hello Mixed Age families!


 Happy Friday and happy Valentine's Day! The mixed age class had such a wonderful, festive week and took part in many fun activities. Thank you to everyone who helped put together the Valentine's Day dance, it was truly great. Thank you to all of you for the sweet and thoughtful Valentine's day treats we received as well; we appreciated it very much! This week we focused on the letter P; the week we come back the letter of the week will be Q. Please send in one small item for show and tell either Monday or Tuesday. 


Here is a look at what we did in class this week :


The art table- here we created "love you to pieces" crafts with torn paper, and painted hearts using cookie cutters and bubble paint. The bubble painting was super fun, and everyone had a great time with this activity! 


The writing table included lots of stickers, "heart leaf trees", construction paper hearts, stamping, and Valentines Day coloring pages.


At the math table the children counted and sorted conversation hearts. 


The art easel included a bear and dot sticker activity.


The discovery table was centered around the book we read in class last week, If Snow Came Down in Colors, and included painting real snow and beach toys for castle making and scooping with shovels. This activity was definitely a favorite!


This week in class we danced to Animal Action, Move It, and Shake it Off! The dance moves in this class just keep getting better!


The books we read included:


                        My Heart Is Like a Zoo

                        Love Monster and the Perfect Present 


Mrs. T came to school this Friday and also read her own special stories; we even met a groundhog named Gus! The class sang along to many fun Valentine's Day themed songs, including All you Need is Love. They did such a wonderful job with this and had a great time!


I hope that you all enjoy the break, and we look forward to seeing you again soon! 



Mrs. Mackenzie and Mrs. Haynes 



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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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