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Lunch Bunch Week 1

Hello Lunch Bunch Families,

We had a great first Lunch Bunch day!! Everyone was excited to stay at school for lunch and did well even though the schedule was a little different.

Our first science experiment was Air Pressure.

During lunch time we talked about what things blow out air some ideas were a leaf blower, hair dryer, and people do too. We discussed that we can feel air but we can not see it. After we were cleaned up from lunch we went to the rug to get our experiment started. Everyone one got 2 sponges, a straw and a plastic sandwich bag. We put them all together and zipped the baggie closed with the straw sticking out a bit and stapled the top for added strength. I then had them each pick out a small pompom then it was time to test it out. It took some time getting used to but they did it, the pompoms were flying across the rug, we did try some other objects like a matchbox car, a small plastic dinosaur, or an unused bandaid in the wrapper. The only one that moved was the bandaid which flew up and twisted around. Towards the end of out time we had races to see whose pompom could go the fastest. It was a fun experiment to do and they all were able to take it home with them to show all of you.

Thank you for sharing them with me today, I enjoyed the extra time I had!

See you tomorrow!

Julie Haynes


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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