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March is Here in Enrichment!

Good afternoon!

Our first week back after vacation was a great one! Between starting yoga, celebrating Read Across America Week, and Crazy Hair Day we had a lot of fun!

Doing yoga with Mrs. Fyrberg was wonderful! We stretched, learned a yoga song, pretended our body was a tree, and took some big yoga breaths. We can't wait to see Mrs. Fyrberg again next Tuesday!

As part of Read Across America Week, we dove into the world of Dr. Seuss. We heard A LOT of rhyming words, and got to experience reading a longer book which meant we had to use a bookmark! While a bookmark doesn't mean much to us adults, to children it means practicing waiting skills (to hear the rest of the story), thinking about all the possibilities of how the story could end, and being responsible for using the book gently so that the bookmark doesn't fall out and we lose our place. While Dr. Seuss' stories are long, they're so engaging that the children were attentive to the very end...for the most part.

What was NEW in centers this week?

Literacy cart- We used magnetic balls and guides to trace some of the letters of the alphabet.

Writing table- A light box with translucent shapes and letters was a big hit!

Art- The children made Cat in the Hat masks.

Math- We sorted colorful bears into their colorful caves.

Discovery- The children practiced their sorting skills by putting vehicles, bears, and farm animals onto a town, cave, or farm picture.

I handed out a copy of our mask update this morning, with a page to be signed and returned to us ASAP. Thanks!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. We hope you have a great rest of your week, and we look forward to seeing you all next Monday!


Christina Renoni and Brenda Daday


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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