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May is Here in the 3's!

Happy May Three’s Families! We were very busy this week making special gifts for Moms (or other special grown ups), playing during center time and enjoying the nice weather out on the playground. Before getting into more detail about our week, Mrs. Renoni and I would like to thank all of you for making us feel so special during Teacher Appreciation week. We are so blessed to be a part of the Jack & Jill community!

REMINDER: Next Thursday, 5/12 school will be closed for parent teacher conferences. Childcare will be available for day time conferences ONLY. We look forward to chatting with you about your little ones! We are going to try our hardest to stay on time and stick to 15 minutes per conference. Of course, if during the conference you feel we need additional time, we can set something up for another time.

Our morning meeting routine has changed a little bit to adapt to the extra energy the children have during the spring time! We read our story in small groups during center time. We do a question of the day and music and movement during our whole group meeting time. This has been working great the past couple of weeks. Our story this week was Flower Garden by Eve Bunting. A little girl and her dad shop in the city for materials to make a surprise for her mom. They go back to their apartment building way up on the top floor and make something wonderful for the mom- a flower box for their window!

Here’s what’s happening in centers:

Block Area- wood blocks, potato heads, little people, cars, doll house and race track

Pretend Center- food, dishes and baby dolls

Sensory Table- plastic grass and baby chicks to hide inside plastic eggs

Art Table- painting something special for moms and other special grown ups!

Easel- color mixing painting and flower box coloring pages with butterfly and flower stickers

Math Table- counting and sorting toys

Discovery Table- rainbow bridge building

Playdough- playdough with flower cutters and spring gems

We hope everyone has a fun weekend! We were so busy making our special grown up gifts that the teachers didn’t have time to take any pictures!! More next week!


Brenda Daday and Christina Renoni


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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