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May Memories in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

We had a busy week in our classroom. The children were very excited to make their flower pot & gift bag for their Mom. Each day at our Project Table they worked on a different part of this project. I hope that you all liked your gift. The children planted marigold seeds for the Moms.

Our Reading Street book this week was Guess Who? by Margaret Miller. "A simple question is posed along with a picture of a child in a familiar situation. On the opposite page are four picture choices; the answers are funny. Flip the page and the correct picture and words appear, in a clever visual game that develops logical thinking and categorizing skills". The children LOVED this book. One of the questions was Who Goes to School?....the children loved the photograph of the children in their classroom which looked liked ours.

Our song was Everybody Has a Job. Our vocabulary words were children, dentist, letter carrier, mail, picture and school.

We also read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We listened to The Crunching Munching Caterpillar by Sheridan Cain.

On Thursday, we had a visit from Mrs. T. She read a book about pirates and the children had fun singing along to her book and dancing with scarves. Mrs. T also taught us a song that we will be singing at Graduation. We practiced as she played the guitar.

On Friday, Mrs. G was in to visit us. We walked down to to the Music Room of the Church. We have been practicing a song Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear with Mrs. G this year. Mrs. G explained about the different instruments and then the children were able to pick which they would like to play...xylophones, metallophones, base bar and glockenspiels were the choices. She explained the children would be playing the notes C & g. Everyone did a great job of identifying the letters on the bars and playing the instruments while they sang!

Other activities:

Project Table: Lacing beads to make a bracelet Chicka, Chicka Boom Boom trees- the children could create a tree and stamp the letters of their name on the tree. When they were done they counted how many letters were in their name and wrote it.

Discovery: Our caterpillars have gone from very tiny to very big! Besides checking out the live caterpillar action, the children could color in the caterpillar life cycle.

Art Easel: Caterpillar painting- using toilet paper rolls dipped in paint, the children made a caterpillar and added details with markers.

Math Table: Unifix cubes

Writing Table: All the usual supplies were available as well as shape and letter hunt sheets.

Happy Mother's Day! I hope you all had a great weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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