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May Moments in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

What a fun week we had in our classroom! On Monday, Mrs.Lehane came in for our Snack Story time. She read Honey I Love by Eloise Greenfield. On Wednesday, we had a visit with Mrs. T. We sang along to the book Five Green & Speckled Frogs. She explained about different types of instruments; string, wind and percussion. She brought wood frogs (percussion) for the children to play. These instruments sounded like real frogs. The small ones sounded like tree frogs. We danced, sang and even got to practice our Graduation Song while Mrs. T played her guitar.

Our Reading Street book this week was Follow the Leader! by Emma Chichester Clark. "A little boy is playing a game of "follow the leader" along with an increasing number of friendly animals. But what should they do when a tiger wants to join in?" Ask your child what they did when the tiger wanted to play.

Our Reading Street song was Let's Play Follow the Leader. We played follow the leader in our classroom with each child having a turn as the leader earlier in the week. Today, we went outside after lunch and each child was able to be the leader again.

Our vocabulary words were follow, rules, quickly, quietly, woods and leader.

We also read Pete the Cat and the Cool Caterpillar by James Dean. You may have heard that we have caterpillars in our classroom. They arrived in a jar and have already made their chrysalis. We moved them into our Butterfly Habitat and are waiting for them to emerge. We have talked a lot about the Butterfly Life Cycle.

Other Activities:

Project Table: Assorted Scissors and paper for cutting practice Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Project-the children made a tree, were able to add coconuts and stamp the letters of their name (we talked about how many letters are in their name and tried to write that number on a poem they attached).

Art Easel: Drip Drop Painting-this was very popular! The children used droppers that they filled with paint to create beautiful artwork. There was much excitement as the paint drip dropped down the paper and they realized that the paint was sparkly.

Sensory Table: Kinetic Sand with shovels, molds, pails and construction vehicles

Play Doh Table: Yellow Play Doh and different putty to check out. Some bounced, changed color from the warmth of the children's hands, glowed in the dark and one was even magnetic.

Listening Center: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin

Blocks: Cups....lots of cups. There was so much building going on & amazing things being built! I attached a couple pictures so you could see.

Pretend Center: Flower Shop continues to be busy....there was also some flower dance moves being taught here this week.

Math Center: Counting mats and fish

We have been reviewing letters and letter sounds and the children are doing great!

You may have heard....for next week's Show & Tell each person will be able to show us a talent they have. We talked about this during the week. I explained what a talent was and we talked about some examples such as singing, karate, gymnastics, dance, cheerleading, a skill from a sport, magic trick, joke....anything they want!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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