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Moments in May in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

What a fun week we had in our classroom!

On Monday, Mrs.Lehane came in a visit. She read Skippyjon Jones and the Big Bones by Judy Schachner.

Our Field Trip was so much fun on Wednesday. The children did a wonderful job walking to and from the library. They really enjoyed looking around as at the storefronts, flowers and we even saw some kindness rocks. Mrs. Brown talked to our class about the library and her job. She read Carlo and the Really Nice Librarian by Jessica Spanyol. The children were able to pick out a book and check it out with their new library card! We had a picnic snack outside and then played on the play structure before heading back to school for lunch. Thank you to Mrs. Wilton and Mr. Andrews for chaperoning!

On Thursday, Mr. G came in for his last visit with us. He read Once Upon A Book by Grace Lin and Kate Messner.

Our Reading Street book this week was Follow the Leader! by Emma Chichester Clark. "A little boy is playing a game of "follow the leader" along with an increasing number of friendly animals. But what should they do when a tiger wants to join in?" Ask your child what they did when the tiger wanted to play.

Our Reading Street song was Let's Play Follow the Leader.

Our vocabulary words were follow, rules, quickly, quietly, woods and leader. These were great words to talk about before going on our Field Trip.

We also read Clark The Shark Lost & Found by Bruce Hale.

Other Activities:

Project Table: Finger painters and stamps to create with

Sensory Table: Our caterpillars stopped eating, headed to the top of the container and made their chrysalis. We moved them to their butterfly habitat. We talked about what was happening now.

Play Doh Table: Purple play doh

Listening Center: Splat The Cat and the Cool School Trip by Rob Scotton.

Math Center: Count & Link Activity

Writing Table: There was a new addition of some "Learn to draw" animals and they happened to rhyme. A hog, frog or dog!

You may have heard....for next week's Show & Tell each person will be able to show us a talent they have. We talked about this on Friday. I explained what a talent was and we talked about some examples such as singing, karate, gymnastics, dance, cheerleading, a skill from a sport, magic trick, joke....anything they want! This will take place on FRIDAY!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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