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Moments in May in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

We had lots of fun learning and playing this week. A highlight was our in-school field trip. Miss Pam from Mystic Aquarium came to Jack and Jill! She led an interactive game where the children had to build an ocean floor with props while learning about how different ocean animals protect themselves from predators. The children also got to participate in a touch-tank with a lobster, spider crab, hermit crab, sea urchin and more. The students had a lot of fun.


Stories: "It Began with Lemonade" by Gideon Sterer and Lian Cho, "Maisy Makes Lemonade" by Lucy Cousins and "Goodnight, Butterfly" by Ross Burach

Skills: handwriting the letter M, Reading Street Song for letter M, listening for the "M" sound in their names, 3-D shape sorting, syllable counting, butterfly life cycle game

Small Group Activities:

* Coin matching shopping game

* Turn-Taking games

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- lemonade art (thanks to Olivia's mom for the fun lemons and limes!), a special projects for Dads and lemon/lime painting at the easel

Blocks- magnatiles, wood blocks, emergency vehicles, wooden people, ponies

Dramatic Play- Camping with sleeping bag, grill, campfire and smores, and lots of yummy picnic food

Writing/Library- books about caterpillars, butterflies, lemonade, watermelon and other spring things, Handwriting without Tears materials for letter M, paper popsicle-making

Playdough: purple playdough, flower cutters, rollers, scissors, butterfly and flower gems

Math- color sorting with colored balls, tubes and tongs

Science- lemonade water bins

Sensory Table- planting flowers with split peas, shovels, pots, fake flowers, rakes, watering cans

Next week we will celebrate our students with summer birthdays. I will be supplying popsicles for a special treat. I'm looking forward to another great week. See you on Monday!


Brenda Daday


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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