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More December Fun in Enrichment!

Hello Enrichment Families, 

We had another busy week in enrichment! As we mentioned at pick up on Wednesday, we are working very hard on teaching kindness, respect and learning about differences in how we feel when we ARE and ARE NOT treated nicely. We have spent a lot of time this week talking about our feelings, and the feelings of others. Recognizing our own emotions and learning about our actions when we are feeling different emotions is so important. We will continue to cover these topics and would love for you to talk about these things at home as well. As always, we are a team, and we really appreciate your support from home! 

We also welcomed back Mrs. G this week, who was here for more music, more ukulele and another story!

Our books this week were- Happy is… By Cheyenne Nichols, Sad is… By Connie Miller, and What Should Danny Do? By Ganit and Adir Levy. 

These books allowed us to dive deeper into each emotion. We even made class lists about things that make us happy and sad. 

What's new in centers?

Art- Candy cane art. We use marbles and paint to make candy canes! They are hanging in the hallway so be sure to check them out!

Math- Emotion puzzles

Easel- At the easel we had mirrors and Velcro mirrors. We start by looking in the mirror, then using the different parts of the faces, we recreate facial expressions using a variety of Velcro face pieces. This is helpful for the kids to recognize that different emotions both feel and look different. They made lots of silly faces of course too!

Play dough- Along with some playdough rollers, scissors and molding toys (which are alway a hit!) we also have mats with blank faces on them. The children can use the play dough to make eyes, noses and mouths and create different facial expressions.

Discovery- Rhyming sounds magnet board. Using magnets with different pictures on them, we matched up the rhyming sounds!

As you all know, today was my (Mrs. Taylor)'s last day in Enrichment. I just wanted to thank you all for the kind words, support and the beautiful wreath I received today. It has been a pleasure getting to know you and your children. I wish you all a very happy holiday season and an amazing remainder of the school year! 

Ashlee Taylor & Christina Renoni


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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