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More Fun in Mixed Age!

Good Morning Mixed Age Families, 

I hope you all had a great weekend ! 

The class unfortunately didn’t catch the leprechaun but had a fun time building the trap, cleaning up the  mess that the leprechaun made , and eating the yummy cookies that he left behind for them! 

The letter of the week if L. Please have your child bring in a show and tell that starts with L on either Tuesday or Wednesday not both days. 

We read The Fuzzy Tail Friend Great Egg Hunt and Happy Easter Mouse.

Centers this week-

Dramatic Play- Puppet Theater 

Math- counting eggs and beans

Discovery - building with pegs 

Art table- making chick hatching eggs 

Writing table- letter L worksheets, tracing boards and cards 

Play doh- play doh 

*** Monday 3/25 wear your workout gear** 

NO SCHOOL 3/27 for Conferences** 

Last week I started a sticker chart for listening ears and following the classroom rules. Every day that your child has listening ears and follows the rules they will get a sticker on their chart and a sticker to bring home. If your child fills the  chart for the days they attend school they will earn a SPECIAL PRIZE from my prize box! 

They did a great job last week so hopefully they can keep it up and earn prizes every week! 


Jill Meyer 


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