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Moving in March in Enrichment!

Hi everyone!


We hope you're able to enjoy the shining sun that showed up today!


We have a few housekeeping things to address before diving into what we did this week. 

1. There is no school this Monday the 11th, for a professional development day.

2. Today is the last day to place your orders for the Show and Dinner To Go.

3. Next Friday is the last day to order books for the author's visit on the 18th.


While March is a month full of rainbows and luck. It's also Music in our Schools Month. We started the month by learning a bit about some instruments in an orchestra. And today we got to play one! Ask your little musician about playing the French Horn today!


Our book this week was Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo by John Lithgow. It was fun to listen to the author read the book! 


What was NEW in centers?

Art- As a special project, the children helped to make what is in our sensory table this month. On Monday we got to color beans with food coloring. Each person got to choose which color they wanted to color their beans. On Wednesday we painted and glued pots of gold, and answered the age old question... What would you do if you had found a pot of gold? And today we finished some assessment things. 

Easel- We practiced writing our letters on piano keys

Math- We matched locks with uppercase letters and keys with lower case letters to open up the locks.

Playdough- We have green playdough this month, with shamrock dough cutters, rainbow pipe cleaners, and rainbow beads.

Writing- We're using magnetic writing boards and letter practice cards.

Sensory table- We're using the rainbow beans that we colored, pots, and gold coins.


We hope you have a great weekend, and we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday!



Julie Haynes and Christina Renoni




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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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