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Moving Into May in Mixed Age

Hello Mixed Age Families,

The first week in May was a busy one, we celebrated two birthdays in our class and we made Mother's Day projects. Thankfully we had everyone at school all 3 days so they enjoyed being together and playing at the centers.

I want to thank everyone for all the love you showed me this week for Teacher Appreciation Week. The yummy food, flowers and album were a wonderful surprise. I kept the album at school today so the kids could all look at it, they had the best time looking through it and showing each other the pictures.

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Number 1-10 Cupcake Match

Discovery Table~ Parts of a flower activity. We now have caterpillars in our classroom. This is a yearly activity we have at Jack and Jill. The kids get to watch the process of the caterpillars turning into butterflies. They have enjoyed looking at them in their container watching them crawl around using the magnifying glasses. Once they are in their Chrysalis' I will move them into the butterfly tent. It is such a fun activity and when they have all turned into butterflies we will set them free.

Easel~ Painting with plastic forks to make a tulip bouquet.

Art Table~ A special Mother's Day activity as well as coloring sheets.

Sensory Bins~Sand, seashells and small pails are in each container. There is also basket with shovels, sifters and funnels for them to use.

Pretend Center~ Is now a Flower Shop. Everyone enjoyed making floral arrangements and giving them to me or to their friends. They were taking a lot of phone orders as well. It was a busy shop.

Play dough~ Purple and blue with butterfly and flower cookie cutters

Listening Center~ Chicks and Salsa By Aaron Reynolds


The Tiny Seed By Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle


Party Rock

Silly Bear Hunt

Freeze Dance


Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Our letter next week is X. Please bring in one item on Monday to share with the class.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and to all the Mommy's Happy Mother's Day!


Julie Haynes


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Jack and Jill School
50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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