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Moving Through March in Mixed Age!

Hello Families,

I hope this email finds you all well. The week went well and friends are doing good remembering to cough and sneeze into their elbows. They loved playing out on the playground this week but keep in my mind that sometimes the playground can be a bit chilly so hats and mittens and a warm jacket daily is needed each day until we are further into the warmer weather.

Here is what we did in the classroom this week:

Math Table~ Fruit loop color sort ( We were a bit worried that a few friends would try to sneak a few to eat but they did really good).

Discovery Table~ Sink or float small black pots. They had a bucket of water and an assortment of objects in bowl to try to sink the black pot. There was water everywhere so they certainly had fun and did a good job remembering to wash their hands before and after they played at the center. Wednesday-Friday they played with Skoolzy Straws which they enjoyed creating many different things.

Easel~ Fingerprint clovers

Art Table~ Rainbows made out of a 1/2 of a paper plate, colored paper strips and cotton. They are now hanging up in the classroom. They also had shamrock collages to make.

Pretend Center~ They have all been loving the babies this month and taking very good care of them each day during choice time.


If you want to see a Whale By Julie Fogliano

Down by the Barn By Will Allenbrand

Gray Rabbits 123 By Alan Baker

The World needs more Purple By Kristen Bell & Benjamin Hart


Wiggling Dance

Freeze Dance

Bear Hunt

Mrs. Lehane come in and read Berenstain Bears Tell the Truth to us on Monday.

Letter Q show and tell will be on Tuesday, please have your child bring in 1 object that starts with the letter Q into class with them on Tuesday. Thank you!!

NO SCHOOL on Monday March 14 as all the teachers have a professional development day!! See you Tuesday morning!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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