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Moving Through March in Pre-K 1!

Hi Everyone,

We certainly fit a lot into our four days of school this week!

Just a reminder that Monday is Planting A Rainbow Day. To celebrate the first day of Spring, wear as much of your favorite color as possible.

Our Reading Street Book this week was Growing Like Me by Anne Rockwell. "Everything in nature grows up-just like you and me! It's springtime, and the local pond is bursting with new life. Shiny black pollywogs are growing into frogs and baby robins hatch from pale blue eggs. The blackberry bushes are full of sweet, juicy berries and the new monarch butterflies emerge from their cocoons." Our vocabulary words were blossoms, hatch, caterpillar, growing, pollywog and pond. We talked a lot about the changes we will be seeing as the weather gets warmer and it becomes Spring. I told the children to look around outside to see what is changing. Our Reading Street Song was I Am Growing.

We also read If You Give A Moose A Muffin and If You Take A Mouse To School by Laura Numeroff.

Our Letter of the Week was M. Our Letter Sound Song was Merry Mama Mouse and Gramma Mole.

Other activities included:

Math Table: Making patterns with colorful gems and links.

Sensory Table: Fairy Gardens

Easel: Color mixing and painting with q tips What will your mouse munch? Coloring with colored pencils and drawing what the mouse would eat.

Project Table: On Tuesday, I worked with the children on a part of their Assessment.

Painting with marbles was available the rest of the week.

Writing Table: This is ALWAYS a busy spot. Writing, hole punching, cutting, drawing and coloring.

Play Doh: Green Play doh, tools and silicone trays to make coins, hats, shamrocks. The children learned the best way to use these trays was to roll ball and press it in to make the shape.

Pretend: Our school is still busy...stories being read, jobs being given out and magnetic pieces have been added to build on the Easel.

Discovery: Large Gemstones...we talked a lot about the textures & colors of the different stones. The children could also draw what they were looking at with their microscopes.

Listening Center: Count The Monkeys by Mac Barnett. At one point during Center Time today, almost the whole class had stopped what they were doing to walk over and listen as this story played.

Next week, our Letter will be N and Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

Have a good weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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