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Moving Through March in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

The children are really enjoying our Habitats Unit. They have learned a lot about how different habitats provide food, water, shelter and air to humans and animals. This week we continued our unit learning about the DESERT habitat. Next week we will begin the problem-solving and engineering portion of the unit. I think the kiddos will have a blast solving Panda's next problem.

Mrs. G came to share her glockenspiel with us. Thanks for visiting Mrs. G!

Looking ahead: NO SCHOOL on Tuesday, March 28th for family-teacher conferences. Sign-ups coming soon.

READ ACROSS AMERICA SPIRIT DAY: Monday 3/20- Wear your favorite color!


Stories: "Deserts" by Gail Gibbons, “Pete the Cat: The Great Leprechaun Chase” by James Dean

Skills: handwriting the letter D, Reading Street Song: “Don’t Dig” (letter D), finding the letter D, counting words in a sentence, changing the initial sound in words to form rhyming words

Seeds of STEM Focus: intro desert and arctic habitats, exploring differences between desert and arctic habitats and why desert animals cannot live in the arctic

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- cactus art with scissors, glue sticks, paint and tissue paper, rainbow color mixing, puffy sand paint desert art, and lizard and rainbow coloring at the easel

Blocks- magnatiles, wooden blocks, wooden people, Octonauts toys, ocean animals

Dramatic Play- Animal Hospital with stuffed animals, vet tools, vet bench, X-rays, animal carriers, bathtub

Writing/Library- books about habitats and animals, Handwriting without Tears materials for practicing the letter D, desert drawing papers

Playdough: yellow playdough with desert animals and cacti

Math- weighing station

Science- potato heads and pipe builders

Sensory Table- green beads, gold coins, treasure chest, shamrocks

Have a fun weekend! Looking forward to seeing your little ones on Monday!


Brenda Daday


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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