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October is Almost Over in Pre-K 2!

Good afternoon Pre-K 2 families,

We had a wonderful week in Pre-K 2! We enjoyed a visit from Connor’s dad, Firefighter Tim. He showed all of his gear and talked about safety and how to call 911 for help. He brought everyone a hat and a badge. Thank you for coming to visit our class Firefighter Tim!

Thank you to Ms. Pascal for filling in for Mrs. Daday this week. The children were very helpful with showing Ms. Pascal their daily routine. I had a great time with the class on Thursday! We are excited for Mrs. Daday to return Monday.

SHOW AND TELL: Our first monthly Show and Tell will be on Wednesday, November 2nd. Please have your child find a PROBLEM at home. They can bring in an item or a picture of the PROBLEM. The children will practice their oral language skills by describing the problem and telling their peers if they were able to come up with a SOLUTION.


The week went a little different but we had still had great morning meetings.

We had several questions of the day. They were Do you like Broccoli? Do you like Pizza? And do you have a pumpkin at your house?

Ms. Pascal read Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson, The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll and Pete the Cat Halloween.

Mrs. Lay Read Kindness from A-Z by Todd and Peggy Snow and Fall Pumpkins by Martha Rustard.

Here's what's happening at CENTERS:

Art- Leaf wreaths, scratch off leaves, painting leaves, spray water colors at the easel and free art.

Blocks- wooden blocks, magnatiles, princess and astronaut figures, monster trucks, animals and costumes for trick-or-treating play

Dramatic Play- Farmers Market, market stand with fruits and veggies, cash register, making cookies, muffins and apple cider, picking apples

Writing/Library- Books about fall, some favorite character stories, fall tracing worksheets, puppets and puppet theater, 5 Little Pumpkins Rhyme

Playdough: orange, pumpkin scented playdough, pizza rollers, pumpkin cookie cutters, items for making pumpkin faces

Math- Number locks

Science- Students used candy corn and toothpicks to make creations

Sensory Table- dried peas, pumpkin gems, treasure chests, pumpkin patch vines, shovels

We also played some games this week. Candy Land and Connect Four were 2 favorites. The children also enjoyed doing sequencing puzzles together.

We closed out our week with dancing and some yoga!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us this week. Have a great weekend!


Katrina Lay


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

© 2017 Jack and Jill PreSchool

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