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On to October in Mixed Age

Hello Mixed Age Families,

I hope this email finds you all well. We were very busy in the classroom checking out the new October centers this week and making art projects. Check out the Spookley the Square Pumpkins hanging out on the bulletin board in the hallway. Everyone seems so excited to be at school each day and enjoying being together. We have enjoyed watching the growth and confidence in each of your kiddos so far, On Monday Mrs. Fyrberg taught some more yoga to the class, they did some stretching practiced their breathing and played Yogi Says aka Mrs Fyrberg :)

Here is what we did at each of the centers this week:

Math Table~ Wooden shape sorting puzzles, each shape has 5 different sizes and colors that get smaller and fit on the wooden board. This was a very popular activity this week.

Discovery Table~ Sensory gloves, each one filled with something different; sand, white glue, oatmeal, pompoms, rice, split peas & sprinkles.

Easel~ Painting with orange paint using scrub brushes to paint with.

Art Table~ Spookley the Square Pumpkins and painting with corn on the cob. Letter A apple sheets were out as well and orange square collages were out today.

Sensory Table~ Fisher Price Barn with animals and vehicles

Play-doh~ Pumpkin scented orange play-doh with pumpkin cookie cutters and tools

Pretend Center~ Is now a Bakery, the kids have been busy mixing, baking and serving their delicious treats. They have aprons to use as well as a cash register with play money.

Writing Table~ Letter A sheets along with cupcake and cookie coloring sheets.

Block Rug~ The kids have been enjoying playing with the trains that are out now.

Mrs. Lehane came in on Tuesday to read to the class, she will be coming in every few weeks as our special guest reader. This week she read If By Sarah Perry & What do you do with an Idea? By Kobi Yamada!


The Legend of Spookley the Square Pumpkin By Joe Troiano

Cookies's Week By Cindy Ward

Go Away Big Green Monster By Ed Emberley


Freeze Dance Wiggle your Fingers

Listen and Move The Number Rock

Animal Action Tutti Ta

Silly Bear Hunt Wiggling Dance

Show and Tell will be on Tuesday next week. The letter is B, please have your child bring in 1 letter B item on Tuesday morning into the classroom when the door opens. Thank you!!

We have been noticing some of the kids being extra hungry this past week, playing is hard and takes a lot of work maybe 1 extra small snack for the kids who only have 2 things to eat might do the trick!! Thank you!!

NO school on Monday October 11 in observance of Columbus Day! See you Tuesday!!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Julie Haynes & Katy Fyrberg


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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