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On to October in Pre-K 1!

Hello Families,

I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend!

Onto October....many new things happening in our classroom. Our Pretend Center has been changed over for the month of October to a Construction Site. This has been a very popular spot! The children have been very busy measuring and building. We have styrofoam that they have been working hard to put nails (golf tees) in and then using their tools to remove them.

Our play doh is now orange and there are leaf and pumpkin cookie cutters available. There are also googly eyes and pipe cleaners.

Our Letter Sound Song was Let's, Let's, Let's Pretend.

This week's Reading Street book was Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Flemming. "Tippy, Tippy, Tippy, Pat! That's the sound three hungry bunnies make when the sun goes down and the moon comes up and Mr. McGreely's garden smells yum, yum, yummy. While he's dreaming of his mouth-watering carrots, the bunnies are diving over fences and swimming trenches to get the veggies first!

Hammer, hammer, hammer, Saw! That's the sound Mr. McGreely makes when the sun comes up and the moon goes down and he sees what those twitch-whiskers have done....Nibbled leaves! Empty stalks! Mr. McGreely will build something bigger and better, sure to keep even pesky puff-tails away. Children will cheer for the bunnies -- or for Mr. McGreely -- as they delight in Candace Fleming's clever sound effects and G. Brian Karas's vibrant, funny illustrations". Make sure to ask what Mr. McGreely built to keep the bunnies out and how they still got in!

We listed to Goodnight, Goodnight Construction Site by Sherri Duskey Rinker.

Our Centers this week:

Writing Table: Stamps, paper and envelopes.

Discovery Table: Microscopes-there was much excitement using the microscopes. The children were able to draw what they saw.

Math Table: Measuring-tape measures and cubes were available to measure the length of items. We talked about shorter and longer.

Art Easel: E is for Eyes! There were 2 eyes glued on white paper. The children could turn it into anything they wanted using watercolors.

Art Table: E for Elephant makers, markers and googly eyes.

On Thursday and Friday, we made scarecrows which will go up on our Bulletin Board in the hallway. This table was busy both days.

On Wednesday, we were lucky to have three hygienists from Attleboro Pediatric Dentistry visit us. They read Sugarbug Doug by Ben Magleby to us. The children were able to brush an alligator's teeth and a large set of teeth too. Each child went home with a goodie bag (travel bag containing a toothbrush and toothpaste).

On Friday, we traveled outside to the playground to check out the construction.

Looking ahead our Letter of the Week next week will be H. Show & Tell will be on Wednesday.

I will see you in the morning!


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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