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Saying Goodbye to October in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hello All,

We had a busy week in our classroom. On Wednesday and Thursday, each child was able to pick a pumpkin and decorate it. Everyone worked really hard at coloring/drawing with paint markers, cutting, peeling, tying, twisting and gluing items to decorate their pumpkin.

We took a break from the Reading Street Curriculum to read/listen to some stories about important skills we are working on as a class. These skills are active listening and following directions. As Literacy Month kicks off, please try to ask your children some questions about the stories you are reading together. The books we read at school about listening and following directions were Are You Listening Jack and The Worst Day of My Life Ever. We also read some seasonal books; Growing Pumpkins and The Legend of Spookley The Square Pumpkin.

Our Pretend Center is now a Construction Site! It was super busy all week. Toolboxes were filled with tools, safety vests, goggles and hats were on and the work began. This week we worked hard at hammering tees into pumpkins. Then the children tried to pull them out using the hammer, pliers or their hands.

Math Table: Numbered cups and jewel pumpkins to count out.

Art Easel: We started the week color mixing. The children could mix yellow and red on their paper to create an orange pumpkin. When they were done painting, they could add pieces to make its face. On Friday, there were umbrellas to paint with watercolors.

Project Table: Pumpkin Life Cycle....coloring and sequencing the pumpkin life cycle. This was very popular.

Wooden pumpkins to paint and add face pieces to.

Spookley Project-All different shape pumpkins were made.

Discovery: Rescuing spiders from their web using tweezers.

Our Letter of the Week was U. Our song was Glub, Glub, Guppies in a Tub. We listened to the story Click Clack Boo.

Looking ahead to next week:

Jack & Jill is OPEN on Tuesday.

Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday Spirit Day! Wear mismatched clothes, crazy socks or wild hairstyles.

Also, Show & Tell for Letter C.


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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