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The Final Week of May in Pre-K 1

Hi All,

There was a lot of excitement in our classroom this week as the butterflies emerged from their chrysalis. We were actually able to see 2 butterflies come out as we watched. The children were so excited! They were all gathered around the habitat and some children went to get paper and markers to draw the butterflies. I will send a separate email with a video of the excitement! It's the unexpected moments like these that are so wonderful! On Thursday, we brought the habitat outside with us at recess. We released 7 butterflies.....I had to help a few that were shy to leave the tent.

Our Reading Street book this week was Follow the Leader! by Emma Chichester Clark. "A little boy is playing a game of "follow the leader" along with an increasing number of friendly animals. But what should they do when a tiger wants to join in?" Our Reading Street song was Let's Play Follow the Leader. We played follow the leader in our classroom with each child having a turn as the leader. Some of the children were also playing it on the playground at recess today (I attached a picture). Our vocabulary words follow, rules, quickly, quietly, woods and leader.

We also read The Cool Bean by Jory John and Hedgehog Goes to Kindergarten by Lynne Marie.

Other activities:

Math Table: Fishing for Numbers....the children used a fishing rod with a suction cup at the end to pick up fish....identify the number on the back and sort the fish by color.

Discovery Table: Butterfly Habitat & magnetic discs, cars, wands and people

Art Easel: Watercolor Painting & worksheets with magic markers

Project Table: Ice cream Project...puffy paint, sprinkles, chocolate chips...many yummy looking creations here!

Dinosaur Stamps with ink pads

Listening Center: How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? by Jane Yolen

We have been continuing to review the alphabet, letter sounds, numbers and shapes.

I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!


Mrs. Kelley


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50 Park Street 
Attleboro, MA 02703 

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