The Last Week of School in Pre-K 1!
Hi Everyone,
Our last two days together were fun-filled. On Tuesday, we celebrated the children with summer birthdays. Yesterday, we celebrated our last day of school with popsicles. We also released our butterflies. Congratulations to the Graduates!
This week we read Edgar Graduates and Curious You On Your Way! Just a reminder, to return your child’s book from our Field Trip to the library.
Other activities:
Discovery: We were able to observe 3 of the butterflies emerge from their cocoons. Please let the children know one more was out this morning and I will wait for the other one to be ready and will let them go.
Math Table: Counting fish
Art Easel: Free Art
Project Table: This was the place to be...this table was packed. The children laced beads to make bracelets. We also did some more symmetrical butterflies. There was a special project (tucked in the children's sand pail) for Father's Day.
I can't believe this is it! I thank you very much for sharing your children with me this school year! They played, learned and grew so much. I am so proud of each and every one of them!
Mrs. Kelley