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The Preschool Scoop in 5 Day Pre-K!

Hello Families,


Onto October already!  With the fall days, it is best to dress in layers as it sometimes is cool in the morning and quite warm in the afternoon when we go out for our second recess. Some of the children have been telling me that they are very hot. 


Our Letter of the Week was E. Our Letter Sound Song was Let's, Let's, Let's Pretend.    


This week's Reading Street book was Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Flemming. "Tippy, Tippy, Tippy, Pat!  That's the sound three hungry bunnies make when the sun goes down and the moon comes up and Mr. McGreely's garden smells yum, yum, yummy. While he's dreaming of his mouth-watering carrots, the bunnies are diving over fences and swimming trenches to get the veggies first!

Hammer, hammer, hammer, Saw! That's the sound Mr. McGreely makes when the sun comes up and the moon goes down and he sees what those twitch-whiskers have done....Nibbled leaves! Empty stalks! Mr. McGreely will build something bigger and better, sure to keep even pesky puff-tails away. Children will cheer for the bunnies -- or for Mr. McGreely -- as they delight in Candace Fleming's clever sound effects and G. Brian Karas's vibrant, funny illustrations". Make sure to ask what Mr. McGreely built to keep the bunnies out and how they still got in!        


We also read Edward Gets Messy by Rita Meade and Making Friends by Fred Rogers. We listened to The ChimpanSNEEZE by Arron Zenz. 


Our Centers this week:


Writing Table: E Worksheets, E Books and chalkboards


Discovery Table: Microscopes and slides. This was very popular. On Thursday and Friday, I added white paper and markers so the the children could draw their observations. 


Math Table: Number pegboards


Art Easel: Free Art-white paper, paint sticks and markers were available. 


Art Table: Fall Wreaths-I hope you enjoyed the beautiful wreaths that were made. E is for Elephant-gluing the pieces on the paper to create the letter E. Then turning it into an elephant. Elephant coloring sheets were available today.


In addition to working on the letter of the week, the children have been practicing writing their first name. 


Looking ahead, Show & Tell for letter H will be on Wednesday. 


Have a great weekend! 



Mrs. Kelley


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